ROME – Istituto Svedese
10 OCTOBER 18.00 Organizer: Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome
Fanfare – Lectures – Refreshments during the pause – The Academy of Dreamers
Free entrance
Registration closed
The evening is 3,5 h
Director of Research at Nationalmuseum, Stockholm (Associate Professor in Art History)
in English) Sergel’s Cult of the Phallus
The antique fertility cults and ancient uncensured images of sex fascinated artists, antiquaries and collectors during the 18th century. Artistically inspired by the cult of Priapus, the sculptor Johan Tobias Sergel exchanged pornographic drawings with friends, drawings kept from the public until the late 20th century.
Sergels och antikens falloskult
Antikens fruktbarhetskulter och ocensurerade bilder av sex fascinerade 1700-talets konstnärer, antikvarier och samlare. För Johan Tobias Sergel blev spåren av Priapos-kulten en viktig del av hans fantasi- och bildvärld i de pornografiska teckningar han och hans vänner utbytte, och som inte förrän de senaste decennierna har kunnat visas för publik.
Dottore di ricerca in filologia greca e latina, ricercatore presso il Royal College of Music, Stoccolma
(in italiano) Retorica classica in Roman: il suono degli affetti nella musica barocca
La riscoperta delle fonti classiche sulla retorica durante il Rinascimento ha influenzato il modo di concepire la musica in epoca barocca. Esempi musicali tratti da vari compositori, tra cui lo svedese Johan Helmich Roman, mostrano come la retorica sia chiave fondamentale per l’inter-pretazione e l’esecuzione di questa musica.
Roman rhetoric in Roman: the sound of “affetti” in baroque music.
The rediscovery of sources on classical rhetoric during the Renaissance has influenced the way of conceiving music in the baroque time. Musical examples from Swedish composer Johan Helmich Roman and others show how rhetoric is a fundamental tool for the interpretation and the performance of baroque music.
PhD student in Art History, Stockholm University
(in English) An abundance of delicacies
Throughout their stay in Italy, king Gustavus III and his travelling companions participated in numerous festivities. An endless chain of bal masqués, carnivals, conversazioni and illuminations led the participants to complain of exhaustion.
En ymnighet av läckerheter
Under Gustav III och hans resesällskaps vistelse i Italien ägnades en väsentlig del av tiden till att delta i festligheter av olika slag. Maskerader, karnevaler, assembléer, conversazioni och illuminationsfester avlöste varandra med en intensitet som fick resenärerna att beklaga sig av utmattning.
Fontän i Rom